SeaMAX Ethernet Discovery / Configuration API


int __stdcall SME_Initialize (SME_HANDLE *handle)
 Initializes the interface and allocates internal memory. More...
int __stdcall SME_Cleanup (SME_HANDLE handle)
 De-allocates memory used by the SME interface. More...
int __stdcall SME_SearchForModules (SME_HANDLE handle)
 Attempts to discover all reachable Sealevel I/O Ethernet modules via a UDP broadcast. More...
int __stdcall SME_FirstModule (SME_HANDLE handle)
 Sets the internal pointer to the first discovered module. More...
int __stdcall SME_NextModule (SME_HANDLE handle)
 Advances the internal pointer to the next discovered module. More...
int __stdcall SME_ModuleByName (SME_HANDLE handle, char *moduleName)
 Advances the internal pointer to the first discovered module whose name matches the parameter. More...
int __stdcall SME_Ping (SME_HANDLE handle)
 Contacts the currently selected module to ensure it's powered and accessible. More...
int __stdcall SME_ModuleByIP (SME_HANDLE handle, char *ipAddress)
 Advances the internal pointer to the first discovered module whose IP address matches the parameter. More...
int __stdcall SME_ModuleByMAC (SME_HANDLE handle, char *mac)
 Advances the internal pointer to the first discovered module whose MAC address matches the parameter. More...
int __stdcall SME_ModuleCount (SME_HANDLE handle)
 Returns the number of modules discovered on the last call to SME_SearchForModules. More...
int __stdcall SME_GetName (SME_HANDLE handle, char *moduleName)
 Retrieve the currently selected Sealevel I/O module's name. More...
int __stdcall SME_GetMACAddress (SME_HANDLE handle, char *address)
 Retrieve the currently selected Sealevel I/O module's hardware MAC address. More...
int __stdcall SME_GetNetworkConfig (SME_HANDLE handle, char *ipAddress, char *netmask, char *gateway)
 Retrieve's the current Sealevel I/O module's IP address, netmask, and gateway as strings. More...
int __stdcall SME_GetNetworkConfigBytes (SME_HANDLE handle, unsigned char *ipAddress, unsigned char *netmask, unsigned char *gateway)
 Retrieve's the current module's IP address, netmask, and gateway as arrays of four bytes. More...
int __stdcall SME_GetWirelessConfig (SME_HANDLE handle, int *network, char *SSID, int *channel, int *security, int *keyType)
 Gets the wireless module's configuration. More...
int __stdcall SME_SetWirelessConfig (SME_HANDLE handle, int network, char *SSID, int channel, int security, int keyType, char *key)
 Configures a wireless enabled device's network settings. More...
int __stdcall SME_IsReachable (SME_HANDLE handle)
 Returns whether the selected module is on a valid subnet. More...
int __stdcall SME_GetDHCPConfig (SME_HANDLE handle, int *status)
 Gets the currently selected Sealevel I/O module's DHCP status (on or off). More...
int __stdcall SME_GetType (SME_HANDLE handle, char *type)
 Gets the current Sealevel I/O module's interface type. More...
int __stdcall SME_SetName (SME_HANDLE handle, char *name)
 Sets the currently selected Sealevel I/O module's name. More...
int __stdcall SME_SetNetworkConfig (SME_HANDLE handle, char *ipAddress, char *netmask, char *gateway)
 Sets the currently selected Sealevel I/O module's network configuration. More...
int __stdcall SME_SetNetworkConfigBytes (SME_HANDLE handle, unsigned char *ipAddress, unsigned char *netmask, unsigned char *gateway)
 Sets the currently selected module's network configuration. More...
int __stdcall SME_SetDHCPConfig (SME_HANDLE handle, int status)
 Enables or disables the currently selected Sealevel I/O module's use of DHCP configuration. More...
int __stdcall SME_SetNetworkSerialParams (SME_HANDLE handle, int baudrate, int parity)
 Sets the Ethernet to serial translation speed (serial output baudrate). More...
int __stdcall SME_GetNetworkSerialParams (SME_HANDLE handle, int *baudrate, int *parity)
 Gets the Ethernet to serial translation speed (serial output baudrate). More...
int __stdcall SME_ConfigureDeviceSecurity (SME_HANDLE handle, int securityMode, char *securityKey)
 Configures security mode for an Ethernet device. More...
int __stdcall SME_RemoveDeviceSecurity (char *connection, int securityMode, char *securityKey)
 Disables security mode for an Ethernet device. More...

Detailed Description

The SeaMAX Ethernet Discover API includes functions used for configuration and discovery of Ethernet enabled Sealevel I/O devices. For specifics, click any of the function names below to view function use, parameter, and return code information.

Generated on Mon Nov 26 2018.