Delphi The following code provides one example for importing a SeaMAX function into a Delphi 7 project. There may be other more applicable methods depending on the project. This project uses default and has a single button placed on the main form. The following code is the function created for the button's event handler: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var handle: Thandle; maj: Integer; min: Integer; rev: Integer; bui: Integer; SM_GetVersion: procedure (Major:Pointer; Minor:Pointer; Revision:Pointer; Build:Pointer); stdcall; begin handle := LoadLibrary('SeaMAX.dll'); if handle >= 32 then { success } begin SM_GetVersion := GetProcAddress(handle, 'SM_Version'); SM_GetVersion(@maj, @min, @rev, @bui); MessageDlg('Using SeaMAX Version ' + IntToStr(maj) + '.' + IntToStr(min) + '.' + IntToStr(rev) + '.' + IntToStr(bui), mtError, [mbOk], 0) end else MessageDlg('Could not open the SeaMAX dll.', mtError, [mbOk], 0) end; |
Generated on Mon Oct 3 2022. |