SeaMAX Ethernet Discovery/Configuration API


 Object Oriented CEthernet Interface
 Functional CEthernet Interface


union  ceth_ip_addr
 An IP, NetMask, or GateWay Address. This is a union which will allow you to access the data in one of three data type methods – long (all 4 bytes at once), short (2 bytes at a time), or char (1 byte at a time). If you access the data 1 byte at a time, through the c array, each octet is the same as the human readable ip address. ie the first octet (0) in the IP can be accessed through ceth_ip_addr.c[2]. More...
struct  ceth_addr_info
 This is a MAC address storage struct. This struct can only be accessed one byte at a time. More...
struct  ceth_device
 This is the device info struct. find_devices() expects a list of this structs. The data fields of this struct are filled in in find_device(). Please note that this operation can only be performed with elevated privileges (SO_BINDTODEVICE). More...


typedef enum ceth_device_type ceth_device_type
 The device type – SeaIO_Ethernet or SeaLink_Dev. In the windows version of this library, this function can find both types of devices. To make things simpler, this version of CEthernet only works with SeaIO_Ethernet devices.
typedef enum ceth_set_types ceth_set_types
 The type of information to set with the set_information function. You may optionally OR two of the commands together. You cannot OR SetDHCP and SetIPAddress. If you do OR one of the IP related functions with SetName, the name parameter should be the last parameter.
typedef union ceth_ip_addr ceth_ip_addr
 An IP, NetMask, or GateWay Address. This is a union which will allow you to access the data in one of three data type methods – long (all 4 bytes at once), short (2 bytes at a time), or char (1 byte at a time). If you access the data 1 byte at a time, through the c array, each octet is the same as the human readable ip address. ie the first octet (0) in the IP can be accessed through ceth_ip_addr.c[2].
typedef struct ceth_addr_info ceth_addr_info
 This is a MAC address storage struct. This struct can only be accessed one byte at a time.
typedef struct ceth_device ceth_device
 This is the device info struct. find_devices() expects a list of this structs. The data fields of this struct are filled in in find_device(). Please note that this operation can only be performed with elevated privileges (SO_BINDTODEVICE).


enum  ceth_device_type { SeaIO_Ethernet = 1, SeaLink_Dev = 2, Sealevel_All_Devices = 99 }
 The device type – SeaIO_Ethernet or SeaLink_Dev. In the windows version of this library, this function can find both types of devices. To make things simpler, this version of CEthernet only works with SeaIO_Ethernet devices. More...
enum  ceth_set_types { SetIPAddress = 1, SetName = 4, SetDHCP = 2 }
 The type of information to set with the set_information function. You may optionally OR two of the commands together. You cannot OR SetDHCP and SetIPAddress. If you do OR one of the IP related functions with SetName, the name parameter should be the last parameter. More...

Detailed Description

The SeaMAX Ethernet Discover API includes functions used for configuration and discovery of Ethernet enabled Sealevel I/O devices. For specifics, click any of the function names below to view function use, parameters, and return code information.

Generated on Tue Sep 19 2017.