seaio_ioctl_s Struct Reference

The IOCTL struct used in the majority of the IOCTL calls. Every call except the three involving A/D and D/A converters use this struct. This struct is actually the union of several smaller structs, so that it can be used multiple times. More...

Public Attributes

union {
   seaio_ioctl_address_s   address
   seaio_ioctl_comms_s   comms
   seaio_ioctl_get_params_s   params
   SeaMAX_PIO_ioctl_s   pio
   seaio_ioctl_ext_config   config
 Keep size down to largest struct inside.

Detailed Description

The IOCTL struct used in the majority of the IOCTL calls. Every call except the three involving A/D and D/A converters use this struct. This struct is actually the union of several smaller structs, so that it can be used multiple times.

Generated on Tue Sep 19 2017.