int __stdcall SM_ConfigureSerialTimeouts ( SM_HANDLE  handle,
int  multiple,
int  constant,
int  interval 

Configures the local PC's serial port timeout parameters (For Serial Connections Only).

[in]handleValid handle returned by SM_Open().
Return values
-1Invalid SeaMAX handle.
-2Connection not established.
-3Current connection is non-serial.
-4Could not configure serial timeouts, possible invalid parameter.

This function configures the PC's local serial port connection timeouts.

multiple: The multiplier parameter is used to calculate the total timeout for a read or write operation. For instance, if a serial operations requires sending 10 bytes and the multiple parameter provided is 15 (ms), the total timeout for that read or write will be 150 ms. A zero (0) indicates the multiple timeout should not be used.

constant: A constant may be added to the total timeout for read or write operations. For instance, in the multiple example above, a constant parameter of 200 would cause the total timeout to be 150 ms + 200 = 350 ms. A zero (0) indicates the constant timeout should not be used.

interval: An interval timeout can be used to timeout if the time between incoming characters exceeds the interval parameter (ms). For instance, an interval parameter of 10 would cause a timeout if the incoming characters have more than 10 ms delay between them. A zero (0) indicates the interval timeout should not be used.

The interval parameter does not take effect until the first character is received. It is often prudent to provide a large constant timeout (e.g. 10000) as well to ensure that serial operations will return provided no data returns from a serial read.

Referenced by SM_Open().

Generated on Mon Oct 3 2022.