int __stdcall SM_NotifyInputState ( SM_HANDLE  handle,
int  cancel 

Checks or cancels the notify input state status.

[in]handleValid handle returned by SM_Open().
[in]cancelNon zero value indicates the current notify operation should be canceled.
Return values
2Last input read failed. Will try again (non-terminal).
1Input state has changed. 'Values' parameter to SM_NotifyOnInputChange() now contains valid input state.
0No change in inputs detected.
-1Invalid SeaMAX handle.
-2There is no currently outstanding NotifyOnInputChange request started. You must call SM_NotifyOnInputChange() first.
-3Could not read inputs. Parameters may be incorrect or the device may not be reachable, present, or may be busy.
-4Read request has been canceled.

This function allows the caller to check on the status of a notify request that was previously issued. Also, SM_NotifyInputState allows the caller to cancel an outstanding request. See SM_NotifyOnInputChange() for more details.

One or more of the return values are non-terminal. Non-terminal error codes indicates that there was a problem which did not force a cancelation of the request, and that the request will continue until completed or until canceled by the caller.
See also

Referenced by SM_SelectDevice().

Generated on Mon Oct 3 2022.